Me 12 Shtator 2023, Kryeministri i Kosoves z. Albin Kurti dhe Znj.Albulena Haxhiu Ministre e Ministrisë së Drejtësise vizituan zyren qendrore te Organizates Nena Terezë në Prishtinë. Me këtë rast u bisedua rreth punës se organizatës në ofrimin e sherbimeve sociale dhe shendetësore për grupet e margjinalizuara. Me poshtë po ndajme disa foto nga vizita. Read more

What is Mother Teresa Society?
Mother Teresa Society – The Kosova Humanitarian and Charitable Society.
Mother Teresa Society is the first local based NGO in Kosova. It is established on May 10th 1990 with aim to alleviate the poverty, create a solidarity chain of survival during the political and violent repression measures applied by the regime of the time!
The Society of Mother Teresa aims to help by building on an open Civil society, where the values of all the people will be respected and cultivated regardless of nationality, religion or race where the people will live side by side with mutual respect and tolerance.
Mother Teresa Society operates throughout Kosova and abroad. Its HQ is based in Prishtina capital of and along with its 5 regional centers/offices coordinates, monitor and implements number of projects and activities. Mother Teresa Society has its President, Assembly as leading structure and Executive body which in collaboration with its offices implements projects. In total we have 12 staff and network of volunteers which cover the entire Kosovo territory.
Mission: principles of charity, tolerance, love toward all people regardless of the ethnic background and peace building based on justice and reconciliation. Vision of our organization is to be an assisting factor in building open civil society where human values are cultivated and live freely in peace, mutual respect and tolerance.
The activities of organization currently are oriented in following fields:
- Socio-economic projects
- Infrastructure support of communities
- Civil Society lead projects
- Humanitarian projects